Every weekday morning around 9 AM ET, The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz broadcasts its local hour, which is live-streamed to the world through a variety of platforms. Before taking the air though, a pre-show montage is played counting down the beginning of the programming.
Set to the song “Caution” by Skrxlla, cast members of the program are featured performing a variety of different activities while Dan “Stugotz” Weiner is stuck in traffic to arrive at the Miami-based studio. He ultimately makes it just on time before the countdown clock hits zero, with an end shot of Lucy Rohden running through a breakaway banner before dissolving into the opening shot of the program that day.
Dan Le Batard took time to start Thursday’s edition of the program to discuss the new introduction and how it has gradually started to grow on him. Throughout his years in radio, song selection is something he has taken a lot of pride in. Various other programs in the audio space have tracks that are identifiable with the show, and it seems as if The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz may have found what it has been looking for this time around.
“I think our show intro song is great,” Le Batard said. “I think that it makes us seem vastly cooler than we are.”
Le Batard asked musician JuJu Gotti, who was in the shipping container to begin the program, his thoughts on the track the show decided to utilize. In response, Gotti revealed that he would and that he enjoys jamming to the track in the mornings. Previous episodes of Le Batard’s program did not open with any introduction, instead fading from the waiting room screen directly to the studios.
Over the years, the program has authored many songs of its own as well, including several surrounding the trials and tribulations of the Miami Dolphins and other local sports teams.
“Now did we make that?,” Chris Cote questioned. “That’s just commercial-free. That’s as cool as you could find [on] that commercial-free website.”
“Have you heard the rest of our commercial-free catalog?,” Le Batard said.
“That’s why I’m impressed,” Cote replied.