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Thom Brennaman: I’ve Been Forgiven By The People That Matter

Former Cincinnati Reds broadcaster Thom Brennaman has done his best to make amends with the gay community after his use of a homophobic slur was picked up on a hot mic during a 2020 game.

Brennaman was a guest with Dan Dakich on OutKick’s Don’t @ Me, and when asked if he’s been granted forgiveness for what he said by the people that matter the most, people like Outsports co-founder Cyd Zeigler and Oakland A’s senior advisor Billy Beane, Thom said he had.

“I know they do and a number of other gay men in greater Cincinnati that I’ve spent a lot of time with that have gotten to know me,” Brennaman said.

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Thom Brennaman talked about meeting with several prominent gay leaders from around the area a few weeks after the incident, and how it was a truly eye-opening experience. While the hope from some in attendance was to educate and give Brennaman a chance to listen, Thom said others clearly just wanted to sound off on him.

“There are a lot of guys there that are letting me have it,” he said. “They think I’m only there to start checking boxes to try to get my career back. And I understand where they’re coming from. I understood it entirely.”

“I think that most of the people that have at least given me a chance to talk to them and to get to know me a little bit better, I feel like – Cyd Ziegler and Billy Beane and many, many others, certainly have forgiven me,” Brennaman added. “But again, you’re not gonna get forgiveness from everybody.”

Thom Brennaman did talk about how the last three years had turned out to be quite a blessing. Suddenly being free of any professional obligations allowed Thom to turn his attention to his family.

Brennaman did admit that it’s been hard finding work, but that all it takes is one person to turn things around. Still, while he wishes he could take back what he said, he knows there’s no undoing the past. He’s just tried to do the best he can to show he’s grown.

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“There is no doubt this happened for a reason,” he said. “I really believe it’s part of a bigger plan. I may not like the timing of the plan, and I try to do my best not to think I’m smarter than God above. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, I’m good, totally good. And been totally blessed through this whole thing.”

“I would not change the last three years of my life to have my career back,” he added.

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