Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Rich Zeoli: National Media Always Creates ‘Reasonable Republican’ Presidential Candidates

A previously crowded 2024 Republican Presidential field has dwindled down to just three candidates. 1210 WPHT host Rich Zeoli believes the media is attempting to push one particular candidate above the rest.

During The Rich Zeoli Show Tuesday, Zeoli argued that there’s an archetype candidates are generally presented as by network news organizations. He believes in 2024 that candidate is Nikki Haley.

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“The networks are doing what they what they always do. They’ve decided on the ‘reasonable Republican’,” Zeoli said. “‘Who is the reasonable Republican? Who can take on Donald Trump?’ They’ve decided that the ‘reasonable Republican’, of course, is Nikki Haley. To be a reasonable Republican means that the media likes you until they don’t like you. They like you until they decide that you are, in fact, actually still Republican. And even though you might be closer to them on a lot of things, and maybe you’re not a culture warrior, they still hate you because you’re not a Democrat. You’re still a Republican.”

Zeoli pointed to past history to make his point, claiming it has continually happened in recent elections.

“They inevitably turn on you. I mean, inevitably, that happened to McCain, it happened with Romney, and it will happen with Haley if she’s the nominee, too. So if you’re going into this — if you’re backing Nikki Haley, because you think that they’re going to be nice to her in the fall — please don’t fall for that scam. Whoever it is — it doesn’t matter who it is — they will still hate that person in the fall, period.”

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