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Bob Boccia Vaccine Lawsuit Against Cumulus Dismissed

A court has dismissed a lawsuit against Cumulus by former News/Talk 98.9 morning co-host Bob Boccia after the Memphis host ceased communications with lawyers.

Boccia — known as “Sideshow Bob” on the station — was fired in October 2021 for failing to comply to the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

In a subsequent lawsuit, the host argued that his contract was breached and the mandate violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. He claimed his religious beliefs and medical conditions prohibited him from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. He sought damages of $75,000.

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After originally receiving a court date for August of this year, Boccia failed to continue to communicate with his attorneys, according to a report from Inside Radio.

Attorneys for the former radio host filed a motion to withdraw the lawsuit on November 2nd last year after Boccia continually failed to respond to their attempts to reach him. A judge gave him until November 27th to respond to lawyers and show reason for why he had failed to meet with them.

He continually failed to respond to his counsel, and in January 8th order, Judge Annie Christoff dismissed the lawsuit.

A separate lawsuit against Cumulus brought by former 107.5 The Game Program Director Tim Hill, however, continues to work its way through the legal system. Hill argues similar stances that Boccia did.

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