There are often charges from one side of the political aisle to the other about media bias. Sean Hannity believes you can avoid those criticisms if you’re honest about your intentions.
On The Sean Hannity Show Wednesday, the nationally syndicated host argued that while he’s often accused of being just a talking head, he’s a journalist.
“Yes, we practice journalism. And yes, I’m a member of the press, and yes, we do investigative reporting. Yes, we give opinion, but we’re honest about it, unlike the other liars, frauds in the mob and the media,” said Hannity. “We give opinion. They do, but they never admit it or acknowledge it, and claim ‘I’m a journalist.’
“No, you’re not. You’re a left-wing political hack with an agenda. But you can be honest about your agenda. Just be honest. People will respect you more.”
Hannity’s comments came after he reported that Jim Biden, the brother of President Joe Biden, was being deposed before the House Oversight Committee and the House Judiciary Committee as part of an investigation into alleged bribes the President, his son, and brother, received from various foreign and domestic entities.