MSNBC host Joe Scarborough raised eyebrows earlier this week with his strong comments about the mental capacity of President Joe Biden. OutKick founder Clay Travis could hardly stomach the comments.
“I’m about to tell you the truth. And eff you if you can’t handle the truth, this version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever,” said Scarborough. “Not a close second and I’ve known him for years…If it weren’t the truth, I wouldn’t say it.”
After playing the clip on The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show, Travis had harsh criticism for the Morning Joe host.
“Joe Scarborough may be the most blatant liar on the planet when it comes to Joe Biden’s mental acuity,” said Travis. “There’s not having a gag reflex and then there’s not having any self-respect, either. Joe Scarborough isn’t even a high-end hooker at this point. He’s a street-walking hooker with this thing.”
Buck Sexton agreed, mocking Scarborough for his sentiments, calling him a “full-MSNBC communist” after serving in Congress as a Republican.

Sexton using the oldest gag in the playbook – misusing the word communist, hoping to evoke another red scare. He knows this of course, because his usual knock on Scarborough is that he’s saying whatever for the money, kissing the right backsides. Which is the same game Sexton and Travis play, and makes Scarborough a capitalist.
Clay Travis is an odd one. Someone who was a moderate for a minute and then realized there was no money in it, so dived fully into the right wing echo chamber. Why anyone thinks he’s a serious commentator is beyond me.
I remember when talk radio, left, right and anywhere else on the spectrum at least had some serious individuals with an education that didn’t pander as political shock jocks. Couldn’t our industry aim a bit higher? Like, at least the gutter instead of the sewer.