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Jason Rantz: MSNBC, CNN Analysts Taking Orders From DNC On How to Classify Biden’s State of the Union Speech

President Joe Biden delivered his annual State of the Union address last Thursday, with reaction being mainly divided along party lines. 770 KTTH host Jason Rantz was suspicious of reactions on MSNBC and CNN, questioning why they sounded so alike.

During The Jason Rantz Show Friday, the Seattle-based host discussed the President’s address, before noting that the reaction was very similar on CNN and MSNBC.

“I have to give a shoutout to pretty much all of the folks on the radical left in and out of media who just raved about the State of the Union,” said Rantz. “And if you noticed — I said this earlier — everyone’s using the term ‘feisty.’ It’s almost as if they were told, ‘Hey, maybe we ought to use this word. This is a good word to use. People will like it.’

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“They’re looking for what was the opposite of ‘sleepy’ that doesn’t scare people too much a little feisty because there’s a little bit of fun in that word. And so they’re saying ‘feisty.'”

Rantz added that the messaging likely fell flat, with so many people not watching the President’s speech.

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  1. Like the opposition messaging doesn’t do the same thing or was somehow more intellectually diverse than the praise. Katie Britt’s response didn’t even address the actual address, in favor of a pre-planned poor imitation of a Lifetime drama. I’ve seen the same lines and thoughts spread across conservative media, to the point where Joe Walsh and Michael Medved weren’t even welcome on conservative radio because they committed the unpardonable sin of not kissing the Donald’s royal rump. For that, they were expelled from the conservative camp.

    As for Jason Rantz, if he were anywhere but Seattle, he’d be just another host with the same points as everyone else. But he’s worked the novelty of being in Seattle very well, warming his chair waiting for a call from Fox or Tucker Carlson. He’s polished the grift to a fine shine, but notice he’s hung around for a long time in a city that’s supposedly so horrible he bashes it every chance he gets. You’d think he would say something positive about his adopted hometown once in awhile. Even Limbaugh said nice things about Sacramento, and nobody says nice things about Sacramento.

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