Normally a Monday night baseball game in Oakland between the A’s and the St. Louis Cardinals wouldn’t draw much fanfare. In fact, you could actually count the number of fans that were on hand to witness the 3-1 Cardinals win on Jackie Robinson Day around Major League Baseball. However, for the Caray family, including Cardinals broadcaster Chip Caray and A’s broadcaster Chirs Caray, this game meant the world as father and son were on separate television broadcasts of the same game.
The broadcast booths were a couple doors down from each other as Chip called the game on Bally Sports Midwest and Chris had the call on NBC Sports California. Chip Caray is the son of the late baseball broadcaster Skip Caray and grandson of the late, great Harry Caray.
“I feel like the happiest man on Earth right now,” Chris Caray told Martin Gallegos who covers the A’s for . “I get to see my Dad and him being incredibly proud of me. And me being equally, if not more, proud of him for being able to do this and set the framework for what our family does.”
A’s color analyst Dallas Braden talked about the father-son dup on the A’s broadcast saying, “This was awesome. I know you have done a fantastic job of everything that has come your way. To have the opportunity to be on a big-league diamond with your father has got to be an incredible, incredible moment, and really a full circle moment. One that I am very grateful to enjoy and share with you, but one that I was really excited to watch you share and enjoy with your dad.”
“Thank you, Dallas. It’s really special. I am just so proud of him…it’s all coming together,” an emotional Chris Caray replied.
“I would say so my friend, because it’s been a long road to get here, but I think it’s always nice to acknowledge and remember that there’s people who lay the path down for us to travel,” said Braden. “And on a day when we are acknowledging the path of so many before us, I think it’s also nice to acknowledge that you have earned every bit of what you have received up until this point and we are going to keep working harder my friend.”