Dave Ramsey has built a multi-million company from the ground up. But his place in the talk radio landscape is a unique one. While hosting one of the most popular programs in America, he also serves as the Founder, Owner, and CEO of that multi-million company, leading him to talk about how he operates that business.
During his EntreLeadership podcast, Ramsey was approached by a caller asking how to go about asking for a raise because they felt they were underpaid.
That led Ramsey to reveal how he goes about deciding on raises and compensation for his employees at Ramsey Solutions.
“I get emotional about stuff, but having somebody asking about something about pay? I mean, we can talk about it but I’m not gonna give you a raise if you work for us based on a feeling,” Ramsey said. “We don’t do feelings in that regard. You’ll have to take your feelings somewhere else.
“Now a fact? Facts are a good thing. So we do comp studies. We figure out what people should be paid. We figure out what they can be paid if they went somewhere else. Because we don’t want them to go somewhere else, we want them to work here, and we need the help.”
Dave Ramsey concluded by stating their thought process is simply “We want to be fair in our pay, you want to be paid fair, but you’re not asking and you’re not being greedy.”