Not many news/talk radio hosts have debate moderator experience. SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly does and believes there’s a reason why their performances never receive rave reviews.
While discussing the upcoming CNN presidential debate alongside Dan Bongino on The Megyn Kelly Show, the two discussed the strategy that former President Donald Trump (R) should employ against President Joe Biden (D) in the June event.
In his stance, Bongino argued that the cards will be stacked against Trump from moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, so he should simply make statements wholly unrelated to whatever questions were asked of him.
“Nobody respects the media anyway. Nobody thinks the media is going to be fair to Trump,” Bongino argued. “They don’t need advice from me. They’re doing fine on their own. But if it were me on stage, I wouldn’t even answer the question asked.”
He continued that the questions would be “stupid” and “biased.”
“Why should Donald Trump pay attention to the moderator? Just do your own thing. He’s good at that,” Bongino concluded.
Kelly utilized her own experience as a debate moderator to tell Bongino why that would work.
“That’s a great idea. The moderator, after the first time, would say ‘You didn’t answer the question. It was about immigration, sir. We’ll get to that other subject later.’ But once you’re on the third or the fourth time having to do that, you look dumb,” said Kelly. “It looks like it’s not your debate.”