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CNN to Air Ads During June Presidential Debate

For decades, the long-running precedent was to not include commercials during a presidential debate. CNN is changing that standard in 2024.

The Commission on Presidential Debates had operated under a no-commercial policy. However, former President Donald Trump (R) and President Joe Biden (D) have agreed to side-step the non-partisan committee and agree to a set of debate rules outside the purview of the Commission.

With the lack of oversight from the longstanding adjudicator of presidential debates, CNN — and ABC News, who will host a September debate — are free to air commercials during the made-for-TV events.

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Variety’s Brian Steinberg added that CNN has yet to unveil just how many ad breaks will be seen in its coverage, but did say the network would allow potential simulcast partners the opportunity to insert their own ads into debate commercial breaks.

However, there is one stipulation should another network join CNN for the debate. Steinberg claimed that the network would “prohibit other news organizations from filling commercial breaks with commentary segments from their own analysts, correspondents or personalities.”

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