Michael Smerconish: Presidential Debate Will Be ‘Financial Windfall’ for CNN


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CNN is set to buck decades of precedent and air two commercial breaks during its upcoming Presidential debate. Michael Smerconish believes there’s a perfectly fine reason for that decision.

During his SiriusXM show Monday, Smerconish asked his audience about the microphone for one candidate being muted while the other candidate was speaking for CNN’s debate, before bringing up several other new changes for the debates.

In his recap, he shared his belief that the marriage was a win for the Trump campaign, the Biden campaign, and CNN.

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“Remember, this is not a Commission on Presidential Debates. The Commission on Presidential Debates was sort of cast aside when the candidates got together first with CNN — then with ABC — and said we’re gonna go our own way, in large part I think, because they wanted to preclude Robert F Kennedy Jr. from having any access to that debate stage,” said Smerconish.

“There will be two commercial breaks. Unlike the Commission on Presidential Debates, CNN will have corporate sponsors. During the course, two breaks, of the 90-minute event, which will provide a financial windfall I am sure, for CNN.”

Smerconish polled his audience on whether or not they liked the idea of muting microphones during the debate. Nearly 74% of the almost 25,000 who responded said they were in favor of the new measure.

In addition to his program on SiriusXM, Michael Smerconish also hosts a weekend show on CNN.

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