NASCAR Race Hub, the daily studio show which debuted in October 2009 and just came to an end on June 11 will have part of its show live on. The very popular ‘Radioactive’ segment the show would do weekly will now become a feature on the NASCAR YouTube channel and run on FOX’s social and digital channels according to a report from Adam Stern of Sports Business Journal.
The segment would typically last four to six minutes and would feature the best audio from the team in-car radios.
On the final episode of Race Hub, host Shannon Spake introduced the final on-air ‘Radioactive’ by saying, “One of the staples of Hub happened every single Tuesday, a little segment we like to call ‘Radioactive.’ We get to listen in to the conversations between drivers, crew chiefs and spotters and it would always get interesting.”
In a story posted by On3’s Nick Geddes, he includes a quote from Denny Hamlin from his podcast about the end of Race Hub:
“… Let’s just say, my intuition says it’s going to get replaced with something, whether it be NASCAR or one of the new partners or something, but I don’t love getting off of FS1 for an hour a week. I don’t love it, but it’s not our decision. What I understood too, that was a real money-loss for FOX. They spent quite a bit of money, per year, putting that on. It was a net negative. So yeah, everyone’s got a business to run.”