Cable news is riding high Friday after near-universal praise for CNN and its production of the first presidential debate. Former CNN host Brian Stelter isn’t surprised by the praise.
In an interview with TVNewser, which Stelter founded 20 years ago, he was asked about how cable news channels have covered the 2024 election thus far. He had no reservations about the way the race for the White House between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden has been covered.
“I have concerns about the election as many others do. But you know what I’m not concerned about? I’m not concerned about the integrity of the networks,” Stelter said. “They are going to report the truth about the election result, even if they can’t control what comes next. That’s why I love their craft so much.
“At its worst, TV news is incredibly damaging; it’s capable of stoking fear, confusing people and spreading hate. But at its best, there’s nothing like it. TV news has the ability to connect and reassure people and allow them to form incredible personal connections to anchors and reporters.”
Stelter added that he believes in the future of cable news because of it’s ability to reach millions.
“I’m hopeful about the future of TV news is that it has the capacity to connect the country and connect the world like no other medium,” he concluded.