If you are reading this, there’s a good chance you are already aware of the passion Jon ‘Stugotz’ Weiner has for WFAN in New York. You also are most likely aware the station and co-host of The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz flirted with each other as WFAN was looking for a new Brand Manager to replace Spike Eskin who headed back to Philadelphia. That position went to Ryan Hurley, who had previously been with ESPN New York. With Boomer Esiason on vacation this week, Stugotz is scheduled to join morning co-host Gregg Giannotti on Boomer & Gio from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. ET.
On Monday, Stugotz was absent from The Dan Le Batard Show without Stugotz (as they call it when he is out), and he was not on WFAN either. His co-workers, including Le Batard, weren’t exactly sure when he was going to be on the radio station as they said his communication on the matter was subpar at best. BSM reached out to Hurley who confirmed Stugotz is scheduled to fill in for Esiason starting on Tuesday through the end of the week in morning drive.
“Stugotz, I think, was supposed to be here today,” Le Batard said on his show. “I am not totally sure. At some point last week, he told somebody that he was going to be doing WFAN this week. So, Meadowlark is paying him to work for someone else there, while not being here to do his job. He’s not on vacation, he’s just doing what he could be doing here, at WFAN. However, for some reason it’s not today, we could have used him today. We needed him today and he said he’s traveling today.”
What followed was Le Batard asking the team how they felt about Stugotz being absent, his lack of communication about being out and the responsibilities he had left behind. As one can imagine, the answers were not favorable for Weiner, including the audience learning he had promised co-worker, New York native and huge WFAN fan Taylor Vippolis, he could go with him the next time he filled in. Vippolis let the audience know he had asked Stugotz as recently as last week when it might be, and he was told no dates had been set.
Stugotz filled in for Esiason around this time in 2023 for two days. Shortly after working with him, Giannotti told BSM about Weiner, “He’s just so funny and understands his role perfectly. When the Le Batard show is at its most entertaining everyone is feeding off of each other, the fuel he provides the crew is essential. He has that quality about him where even if you don’t know him personally you feel like you do. A guy you want to drink and laugh with.”