ESPN SEC Network Host Peter Burns Says a Missouri Football Fan Saved His Life

"I’m thankful for him and all involved that helped saved my life that night."


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Peter Burns, who has been a part of ESPN’s SEC Network since 2014, told a frightening story on today’s episode of SEC This Morning. Burns said a Missouri football fan named Jack Foster, a youth football coach, saved his life as he was choking on a piece of steak at a local restaurant after several others tried to help dislodge the food.

As Burns explained in a social post with a picture of he and Foster, “This man saved my life on Friday night in Columbia, Missouri Mr. Jack Foster, a Missouri fan. While at dinner w/ our SEC Network crew, I began to choke on a piece of food. Immediately I knew it was serious and motioned to our table that I couldn’t breathe. I then waved over a friend to give me the Heimlich and he couldn’t dislodge the food. Then in a panic, I motioned for someone else to try. After about 90 seconds, the second person was unsuccessful Then a nurse comes over and he attempts to try as well, but alas still no luck.

“At around 2 mins in, is when I start to lose my vision & I start blacking out. It was surreal is I could hear everyone talking & doing everything they could to help. But nothing was working. Right as I was about to lose consciousness, Jack Foster (the 4th person to try) tried. Mr Foster was a youth sports coach & told us later that he had just gone through training for his teams on how to do both CPR & save someone from choking. That training is why I am here right now. I’m thankful for him and all involved that helped saved my life that night.”

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Burns said he is ok but does have some injuries that will need to heel. He also thanked others who helped him after the scary situation.

“Want to give a shout out as well to the Mizzou Football trainers who helped me that night as well. The painful aftermath has been slight fractures in 4 ribs, but their team helped get me back on my feet. Thankful to all involved for their help.”

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