Megyn Kelly: ‘Disgusting’ to Allege Rich Lowry Used Racial Slur During My SiriusXM Show

Kelly noted it was clear what happened as Lowry stumbled between the words "immigrants" and "migrants", calling those critical of the guest "disgusting."


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On Monday, National Review editor Rich Lowry had a slip of the tongue that sounded as if he used a racial slur while appearing on The Megyn Kelly Show on SiriusXM. Kelly is now defending the guest.

While speaking about the Haitian immigrant issue in Springfield, Ohio, and the subsequent interview between CNN host Dana Bash and Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), Lowry said “In that interview, Dana Bash says ‘The police have gone through 11 months of recordings of calls, and they’ve only found two Springfield residents calling to complain about Haitian migrants taking geese from ponds.”

Lowry, however, appeared to stumble as he said “Haitian migrants,” making it sound as if he said the n-word.

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The moment quickly went viral, with observers alleging that the National Review editor blatantly used a racial slur to describe the Haitian immigrants. Madeline Peltz, a reporter for Media Matters for America, argued that she was “having a hard time coming to any conclusion” other than Lowry utilizing the epithet.

Lowry defended himself by claiming he got caught between using the words “immigrants” and “migrants”, leading to the awkward and unfortunate stumble.

Kelly responded to the controversy by arguing that it was clear that Lowry was not using a racial slur during the discussion.

“This is so disgusting and obviously leveled by someone that doesn’t know (Rich Lowry) at all. A finer, more gracious man of good character you will never meet,” said Kelly.

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