iHeartMedia New Hampshire has announced a five-year extension for “Greg and the Morning Buzz.” The show features hosts Greg Kretchmar, Laura Boyce, Kayla Winsor, Scott “Roadkill” McMullen, and Kelly Brown.
Celebrating nearly 40 years on the air, the program that originated in Portsmouth, NH, in 1987 continues to engage audiences on 100.3 WHEB Portsmouth and Rock 101 WGIR Manchester.
“2025 will mark my 41st year on the radio. We’re all thrilled to keep doing what we love – connecting with our audience and making them part of our family. Scott, Laura, Kayla, Kelly, and I couldn’t be more grateful,” said Kretchmar.
“Greg, Laura, Kayla, Scott, and Kelly embody the spirit of what radio is all about. They bring joy, laughter, and compassion to our listeners every morning, and I’m thrilled they’ll continue to do so for the next five years,” said Sean Davey, New England Area President for iHeartMedia.
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