Dennis Prager has spent several months recuperating from a fall that has left him absent from his Salem Radio Network show. But he now has a return target in mind.
On Tuesday, David Prager, the son of the radio host and PragerU founder, gave an update on his father’s condition during a segment on
While noting that Dennis Prager is still paralyzed from the neck down due to an injury suffered from a November fall, the longtime radio host has begun eating and drinking, which was not happening before the past month.
“It’s really great to see him get to the point where he is now,” said David Prager.
That led the son of the radio host to reveal that his father has a timeframe in mind for returning to his show with Salem Radio Network.
“As much as you are clamoring for him to be back on the radio, he’s clamoring, too,” David Prager shared. “He gives assurances — without giving a specific date — that he’ll be back on at some point in the Spring. Based on all that I’ve seen and all that anyone who has visited him has seen, he’s really the same old Dennis. He’s there and dying to get back on. He’s following everything that’s happening in the news now. And he said that he’s actually following everything more than he used to because he has so much more time.
“He’s really devouring information right now,” he concluded.
Prager’s son added that doctors have been impressed by the progress made by the conservative radio host.
“Since he has now sort of seen A) a goal of getting back on the radio and B) a pathway to get there, his spirits are — pretty much every day — high. That doesn’t mean he’s feeling 100% every day. I don’t want to sugarcoat anything, but he’s definitely feeling great by virtue of knowing there’s a path back to where a large section of his life is.”
In his absence, The Dennis Prager Show has been helmed by Salem Radio Network host Carl Jackson.
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