20 Brands In 20 Days: Scott Roddy, KSON, San Diego

I hear this frequently. Well, it sounds like a small market, but our listeners aren't going. I live in San Diego, so radio shouldn’t be doing this.

20 Brands In 20 Days: Chuck Damico, WMMR, Philadephia

When I was a kid, I convinced my parents to let me wear my WMMR sweatshirt in my school picture. I didn’t really understand the psychology of it then; I just knew I loved the radio station enough to want to wear the logo.

20 Brands In 20 Days: Cat Thomas, X107.5, Las Vegas

We have a new music show called “It Hurts When I Pee” and similar things. It's our reverence for imagery and that type of stuff as well. And it has grown up, obviously. The station has been a brand since 96.

20 Brands in 20 Days: Tim Roberts WYCD, Detroit

: I think we've always been a leader in new music. It's a position, for some reason, I've been tied to. I don’t know why, but it always seems that way.

20 Brands in 20 Days: Tommy Mattern, 105.7 The Point, St. Louis

We look to find music in all the different places, whether it’s the labels or streaming, any of the new music discovery platforms out there. We look at everything.


Barrett Media Member of the Week