Tag: Alex Reynolds

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Social Studies: Mason Burgin, Front Office Sports

"We measure a lot of our posts by impressions. That's something that partners really care about. We're able to go to partners and tell them that last month we did 200 million monthly impressions across social and internally that's what we use as a barometer for success."

Social Studies: Kyle Kondor, Jomboy Media

"Set an expectation and make sure you can keep up with it. Don't do seven posts on Monday and not come back until Thursday."

Social Studies: Matthew Demeke, AM 570 LA Sports

"We have to realize that with every platform we're doing, it's not just AM 570 radio listeners. It's Dodger fans, it's Clipper fans."

Social Studies: Matthew Kline, The Volume

"It starts with the three R's, reach, revenue and relevance. Reach being number one for a reason, if you have a wide reach, you're likely going to drive revenue, and be pretty relevant."

Barrett Media Announces 3 Additions, Social Media Changes

"Luckily, I've been able to assemble a stellar group of people, which allows us to earn your attention each day, and I'm happy to reveal that we're adding to our roster yet again."


Ryan Lang Steps Down As 107.3 Alternative Cleveland Morning Host

107.3 WNWV Alternative Cleveland morning co-host Ryan Lang has left the station for a position with The American Red Cross.

Mark Shapiro: ‘Stephen A. Smith Draws Eyeballs’

"There aren’t a lot of talent left these days on air that are of the unicorn ilk that he is."

‘Wango Tango’ 2025 Announced By 102.7 KISS-FM Los Angeles

Ryan Seacrest will host the show with a special sunset performance by Gwen Stefani.

Anthony Cumia: We’re Going to Make News Funny and Interesting on New 77 WABC Show

"The state of this planet is comedy. It is interesting and compelling."

