Tag: Sid Rosneberg

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Sportsbooks’ Influence Fades as Money Dries Up

“Media companies are learning the hard way that sportsbook money isn’t the guarantee it once seemed.”

Will The Next Musical Faultline Need Music Radio?

A Musical Fault Line is an event that shakes the cultural fabric, always aided by radio. It is not simply a new artist, song, or album release.

Peter Rosenberg Continues To Evolve Through Changes in Radio and Entertainment

"I have built a good enough name and reputation over the last 18 years in this market to find a microphone somewhere.”

Mikalah Gordon’s Journey From American Idol To 98.5 KLUC

As for how Gordon transitioned into radio as a singer and stand-up comedian, it’s kind of a wild ride.

Chuck Todd Lost Motivation To Host Meet The Press After Friend’s Death

"I lost my two closest friends in the last nine months. One to cancer. And then my best adult friend about six weeks ago, died of a complication in surgery and they're both about my age."

Greg Kelly: Newsmax Is Benefiting From Fox News ‘Identity Crisis’

"When you start talking about the truth, it's like picking up money off the floor."


Will The Next Musical Faultline Need Music Radio?

A Musical Fault Line is an event that shakes the cultural fabric, always aided by radio. It is not simply a new artist, song, or album release.

Peter Rosenberg Continues To Evolve Through Changes in Radio and Entertainment

"I have built a good enough name and reputation over the last 18 years in this market to find a microphone somewhere.”

Mikalah Gordon’s Journey From American Idol To 98.5 KLUC

As for how Gordon transitioned into radio as a singer and stand-up comedian, it’s kind of a wild ride.

Aircheck: Charlie Tuna, KRLA Los Angeles (1986)

In 1975, Charlie Tuna was with 102.7 KIIS-FM Los Angeles when it started the AM/FM simulcast and hosted the first show on the FM.

