The Winners of the Secret Code Email Contest Are…


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Last week I introduced an email only contest to a few hundred sports media professionals. With the holidays here, I’ve been in a giving mood, so I thought I’d show my appreciation to those who support us by giving away two pairs of tickets to February’s 2020 BSM Summit.

I figured we’d get 15-20 emails, pick two winners, and call it a day. What I didn’t expect was the response. More than 75 people sent in the secret code to participate. GM’s, PD’s, Corporate Executives, Agents, Talent, Producers, and Sales professionals were all active in the process.

After reviewing the feedback, I decided rather than playing scrooge this Christmas, I’d play the role of Santa Barrett, and be extra generous by giving away 4 pairs of tickets instead of 2. It’s great to see industry people taking greater interest in the conference. If I can make the holidays brighter for a few folks by passing along a couple of free tickets, then I’m happy to do so.

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To determine the winners, I used super advanced technology (put all of the names into a hat). The four names that were pulled out who now have a pair of tickets to February’s 2020 BSM Summit are as follows:

  • Steve Herz – The Montag Group
  • Todd Markiewicz – 97.1 The Fan
  • Dave Cadeau – Sportsnet 590 The Fan
  • Marissa Rives – SiriusXM Fight Nation

Thanks again to all who participated in the contest. If you didn’t win but wish to join us in NYC for the Summit, there’s still time to take advantage of our special holiday sale on tickets. Prices have been reduced to $224.99 until 11:59pm tonight. To get yours, visit Happy holidays!

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