92.9 ESPN Produces Powerful Winter Ratings Book in Memphis


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If the first quarter is any indication of what’s on the horizon in Memphis, the team at 92.9 ESPN are going to be ecstatic. The winter book results are in, and the performance delivered by Brad Carson’s team can be summed up in one word – dominant. 92.9 ESPN had six of their shows this quarter finish in the Top 5. Three of those programs were ranked 1st overall.

Starting with weekday prime (M-F 6a-7p), 92.9 finished 1st with a massive 12.4 share. The station also ranked 5th with Persons 25-54, an equally impressive feat. All ratings include over the air and streaming numbers with Men 25-54.

Among the weekday shows, ESPN Radio’s ‘Keyshawn, J-Will and Zubin’, which occupies morning drive for the station, ranked 3rd with an 8.7 share. Geoff Calkins followed the morning show and turned in an impressive 15.0 share to finish 1st from 9a-11a. Following Calkins, ‘Jason and John’ took over from 11a-2p, securing 3rd with an 8.0 share.

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‘The Giannotto and Jeffrey Show’ were up next, generating a 14.0 share to rank 1st between 2p-4p. Gary Parrish then raised the bar even higher, producing an incredible 16.8 share to finish 1st from 4p-6p. Parrish’s number was best on the station. It was also best in the market among sports talk shows. ‘The Six Show’ then wrapped it all up with a 9.1 share, 3rd place finish from 6p-7p.

In conclusion, 92.9 ESPN kicked ass this quarter. The station had three shows finish first with shares in the 14-17 range. That is insane. Now add a five point year over year lift in weekday prime, and nine point boost in afternoons, and you can understand why the staff might be fired up. Three more of these quarters, and 92.9 will be tough to beat in next year’s BSM Top 20.

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