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Detained Journalist’s Parents Appear on CNN and Ask For His Release

The parents of American journalist Danny Fenster made an appearance on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” with a simple request to the local authorities in Myanmar, release their son. 

“It’s a total nightmare; it’s a total feeling of no control. It’s heart-wrenching,” Rose Fenster, the mother of the Frontier Myanmar editor, said. “I just want my son home no matter what it takes. Please release him and send him home to his family.”

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Fenster, a Detroit native, was arrested last week at the Yangon airport as he tried to embark on a flight out of the country. Fenster wanted to return home to surprise his parents.

Two weeks ago, Fenster stated to his family how quickly the situation in Myanmar was worsening for journalists following February’s military coup.

“He voiced concern: ‘All the reporters; all the journalists are leaving this country,” Buddy Fenster said. “I got a feeling he thought it may be time to start heading home.”

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Fenster’s family is now petitioning and putting pressure on American politicians to get their son back to the United States.

“It’s just about awareness; it’s getting the word out,” said Buddy Fenster. “It’s not letting this story slide away in the news cycle. We want people talking about this story every day.”

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Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo
Eduardo Razo is the Assistant Content Editor for BNM, which includes writing daily news stories on the news media industry. He can be found on Twitter @eddierazo_ or you can reach him by email at

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