Saturday, September 21, 2024
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The Right People Don’t Want to Run in Election Races

We’re only one month into 2022, and many news talk hosts have probably already spent some time either on or off the air getting to know some of the individuals running for office this year.

Whether it’s U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, state races, or even county or local races, there is one problem that continues to permeate politics: the right people don’t want to run.

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By the “right” people, I don’t mean right-leaning (although yes, that would much be my preference). I mean competent, humble, well-intentioned public servants. So what happened to them, and why are they so difficult to find?

There are three main reasons that this is happening. 

1. Social Media

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Social media platforms have allowed politicians to build a “brand” rather than focus on serving the people who elected them and getting things done to help the greater good. As a result, it’s no longer attracting serious people who want to focus on policy behind the scenes; it’s drawing too many people who have an interest in becoming stars on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

And admittedly, we, in talk radio and cable news, reward those folks with interviews and attention on our shows. We aren’t blameless here. 

Plus, when you think back to a pre-social media world, a House member, of which there are 435, would not get any attention in the media without the blessing of leadership in the party, which would theoretically make sure that this was a serious, worthy, individual. Instead, social media allows anyone to become a star, regardless of qualifications.

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Now don’t get me wrong, there are many positives to social media, and I’m not here to turn the clocks back to yesteryear, but in terms of who politics is currently appealing to, this can be the wrong motivation for many. 

2. Dirtier Than Ever

Politics has always been dirty, but in 2022, what makes it worse is that they’re potentially dragging their entire life and family through the mud when one runs for office. While this is an extreme example, and this person is not technically a politician, use Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh, as Exhibit A as to how politics can nearly ruin someone’s life over false accusations.

What solid person simply trying to give back to their community wants to run for office to deal with that? They can quickly join their HOA board and find local charities to support while avoiding an incredible amount of nastiness and headaches. 

3. The Fundraising Never Ends

In the House of Representatives, where elected officials are up every two years, the fundraising continues the day after winning an election. Due to the money in politics, House races in middle America cost millions of dollars. The fundraising is non-stop. This is true at most levels of politics in today’s environment. It’s an expensive game. 

How many folks who, once again, are looking to humbly serve their country as a public servant and work on policy want to spend a bulk of their time shaking down donors on a non-stop basis? It’s just not appealing. 

So, as a result, what do we get? Reality-star wannabes, social media sensations, and power-hungry hucksters. 

It’s a bad combination, and it’s damaging our country.

And don’t get me wrong, there are some gems out there who are genuinely running for offices across the board for the right reasons, but there sure aren’t enough in 2022. 

And we desperately need those folks to step up and turn the tide ASAP. Our country depends on it. 

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Pete Mundo
Pete Mundo
Pete Mundo is a weekly columnist for Barrett Media, and the morning show host and program director for KCMO in Kansas City. Previously, he was a fill-in host nationally on FOX News Radio and CBS Sports Radio, while anchoring for WFAN, WCBS News Radio 880, and Bloomberg Radio. Pete was also the sports and news director for Omni Media Group at K-1O1/Z-92 in Woodward, Oklahoma. He's also the owner of the Big 12-focused digital media outlet Heartland College Sports. To interact, find him on Twitter @PeteMundo.

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