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Benjamin Hall: The Media Isn’t Drumming Up Emotional Response

Fox News reporter Benjamin Hall has a very different take on the war in Ukraine than his colleague Greg Gutfeld. 

During “The Five” on Tuesday, Gutfeld said the media was trying to create a “galvanizing narrative” to sell an idea about the war.

Two videos tweeted out by The Daily Beast document the varying perspectives/opinions of Hall and Gutfeld. Hall has a front-row seat to the horrific devastation caused by Russia’s full-scale invasion. 

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“Speaking as someone on the ground, I want to say that this is not the media trying to drum up some emotional response,” Hall said. “This is absolutely what is happening.”

Prior to Hall’s comments, Gutfeld said, “If you try to counter the drumbeat, you’re seen as an inconsiderate, cold-hearted p—y.”

Hall played a clip documenting how an emotional Ukrainian woman decided to leave everything behind. “There are more videos than we know what to do with,” he said.

“It’s an absolute catastrophe and the people who are caught in the middle are the ones who are really suffering,” Hall added. According to the Associated Press, an estimated two million people have fled Ukraine as of Tuesday. 

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