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Bill Hemmer: Many People Held Pierre Zakrzewski in High Regard

Friends and family gathered to pay their final respects to Fox News cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski who was laid to rest in Dublin, Ireland, on Tuesday.

“America’s Newsroom” co-host Bill Hemmer was one of those who traveled from New York to Dublin for the service. He shared that experience on Tuesday’s show. 

“I’ve known him for a long time,” Hemmer said. “We worked together in Iraq several times, and once you meet his family, you understand the goodness of those people in a way that I can’t describe. They were so gracious to us, even in their grief.”

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Zakrzewski was killed in Horenka, Ukraine, while newsgathering with Fox News correspondent Benjamin Hall. According to a memo obtained by Barrett News Media, a vehicle occupied by Zakrzewski and Hall was struck by incoming fire. He had been working in Ukraine since February.

According to Fox News Digital,  the service took place at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour in the Dublin suburb of Foxrock. 

“Our CEO Suzanne Scott made the trip, so did our president of news Jay Wallace, and he had colleagues that came in from London and Spain and Italy,” said Hemmer. “The amount of regard that so many people around here have for him, and will always have for him, it’s just tremendous, so a salute to you one last time, our friend and colleague Pierre Zakrzewski.”

Ukrainian journalist Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshinova was also killed in the attack. Hall was injured, but he was eventually rescued. Hall is currently hospitalized in Texas. 

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