Conservative radio host Mike Gallagher spent a portion of his Tuesday program discussing Barrett News Media columnist Andy Bloom and his most recent opinion that radio hosts need to stop talking about former President Donald Trump before the mid-term elections.
“I want you to consider the advice of Andy Bloom,” Gallagher said. “He gives some unsolicited advice, and I’m intrigued by his advice.”
Gallagher then read a large portion of Bloom’s story that argued conservative radio hosts need to pivot away from Donald Trump and towards the failings of President Joe Biden if they truly want to see Republicans take both houses of Congress in Novemeber.
“We’ve got hours a day. I can walk and chew gum at the same time,” Gallagher said Tuesday morning. “I’m not going to apologize for my support of a President with an America First agenda and the success of Donald Trump and his presidency. But does Andy Bloom have a point? Every minute we spend talking about President Trump — over the next 57 days — might just propel the voters into the arms of the democrats and it’s a mistake. I do think there is some wisdom his advice.”