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Mike Gallagher: CBS Spent More Time On Queen Elizabeth Than 9/11

Coverage of the death of Queen Elizabeth II has dominated news outlets since her passing, and conservative radio host Mike Gallagher has seen enough.

“I know it’s sad that the longest reigning monarch died, but can we go enough with the wall-to-wall coverage?”, Gallagher pondered. “You know she’s not going get buried for another week? We got a week left of this. A week!”

Gallagher pointed out CBS Sunday Morning, a show he said he likes, spent more time on the Queen’s death than the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

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“September 11th! Mean anything to anyone at CBS? You couldn’t spend more than a couple of minutes on September 11th, 2001? We are forgetting September11th. We are forgetting what those evil doers did to our country. We are teaching our kids about everything but 9/11. And young people have absolutely zero appreciation for not only the destruction of 9/11 but how unified we were. We forgot what that felt like.”

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