Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Charlie Kirk: Dana Bash Doesn’t Ask Tough Questions

Charlie Kirk went after CNN’s Dana Bash Thursday for, in his eyes, her lack of pushback on statements made by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in regards to the threat that domestic terrorists pose to the nation.

“Now, of course, Dana Bash on CNN does not ask the questions. ‘Hey, Hillary, what instance of political violence can you cite?’ Of course, they always mention January 6th, but post that, what example recently can you show that the conservative movement is openly and engaging in violence against people they disagree with? Can you just give us a couple of examples? Because I can give you plenty of examples of the American Left and the Democrat party using violence to accomplish their means.

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“They burnt down our entire country during the summer of BLM during Floyd-a-palooza. Antifa. Campus violence that we experience at Turning Point USA and I have personally experienced. How about Brett Kavanaugh? Trying to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh. Or going in front of Supreme Court justices homes. Harassing them, illegally and the Department of Justice doing nothing. Now, of course, Dana Bash of CNN would never ask such a question.”

It’s not the first time Kirk has criticized CNN. Last month, he accused the network, along with other media outlets for “trying to bankrupt” InfoWars host Alex Jones.

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