Thursday, September 19, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
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Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro Clashes With Canada’s CBC

Daily Wire co-founder Ben Shapiro said during his nationally syndicated radio show Tuesday that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) unleashed an article blaming him for violent extremism. 

The article titled “’It’s a slippery slope’: How young men fall into online radicalization” accuses Shapiro of having views that are “discriminatory” citing an instance where he said transgender people suffer from mental illness. 

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“It is fun to watch how the left treats slippery slope arguments when they are coming from their side,” Shapiro stated. Apparently, it is fully OK to make a slippery slope argument when I say something that is not extreme.” 

The article chronicles the plight of Reid Brown who told the CBC that he got sucked into a YouTube algorithm at the age of 13. He told the outlet that he was directed toward fashion shows and eventually he found Ben Shapiro. 

“What they want to say here of course is that I am alt-right. The problem is, people in the media including The Economist have attempted to call me alt-right before and we have then threatened them with legal action,” Shapiro said. 

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Shapiro added that he’s been critical of the alt-right or alternative right before. A classification used to describe white nationalist groups or individuals. 

Shapiro defended his views and denied being discriminatory.  

“What are my discriminatory views? It seems to me that I’ve always been of the viewpoint that people should be treated as individuals.”

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