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Keith Olbermann: When Did Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham ‘Go Crazy’?

During his Countdown with Keith Olbermann podcast Thursday, the eponymous host wondered aloud when people like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham went “crazy”, after Carlson said the likely culprit for the “sabotage” of the Nord Stream pipelines off the coast of Denmark was President Joe Biden.

Olbermann said Carlson “was once just your despicable, run-of-the-mill conservative but he wasn’t crazy. Same for Laura Ingraham, Rudy Giuliani, Elise Stefanik, Lindsey Graham, and dozens more. Terrible, reactionary, destructive conservatives but not crazy. I sat an anchor desk at MSNBC once and I heard Tucker Carlson, then a new MSNBC host, rattle off a list of conservative conspiracy theorists he thought was damaging the United States of America: Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and Glenn Beck.”

He then went after another Fox News host, and former love interest, Laura Ingraham.

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“Laura Ingraham has a brother who is ‘out’,” Olbermann revealed. “When I knew her, she was proud of him. Defended him. Even claimed he was part of what she called the ‘not-so-vast right wing conspiracy’. And for all her political vitriol, she was utterly accepting about orientations and lifestyles. And rights. What sent these people — who pretty much lived their lives well-balanced on the edge — over the edge?”

Olbermann added he believes people, not just conservatives or political figures, have “undiagnosed PTSD” from the September 11th terrorist attacks.

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