Friday, September 20, 2024
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Keith Olbermann: Media Shouldn’t Defend Maggie Haberman

Keith Olbermann has been outspoken in his criticism of Maggie Haberman and her decision to not report several facts she learned about Donald Trump in The New York Times and save them for her book “Confidence Man“. Tuesday, Olbermann lauded a BBC reporter for pressing Haberman for more details on her decision, and added the media shouldn’t defend The Times reporter for her actions.

“BBC News apparently startled Maggie ‘Where’s My Book Deal?’ Haberman,” Olbermann began.

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“Interviewing Haberman for BBC Radio reporter and host Zeinab Badawi pressed her about all the stuff she held back for the book and kept out of The Times. ‘This was new information, wasn’t it? We have on-going investigations. Why did you not make this revelation sooner?’ Haberman tap-danced about painting a fuller picture but Badawi pressed the point. ‘Were you putting profits before principles?’

“By this point, Haberman was thoroughly flustered and finished up talking about books taking time and added ‘The book is part of journalism. The book is a work of journalism. You know, books are part of journalism’. Waiting for the 39 pieces from the political media industrial complex defending Haberman and ‘access journalism’ and attack Miss Badawi of the BBC.”

Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America” was released on October 4th.

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