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Tucker Carlson: Elon Musk Buying Twitter Is ‘A True Existential Threat’ To People in Charge

Tucker Carlson said Tuesday night that he has a source that says Elon Musk expects to close on his purchase of Twitter within two weeks. It is a story we have heard for months, and after multiple public threats back and forth, all signs seem to indicate that the Tesla founder will indeed take over the microblogging platform.

On his FOX News Show Tuesday night, Carlson noted how the media has changed its tune on Musk since he first made a serious offer for Twitter.

“Elon Musk purchasing Twitter is more than just a potential change to the media landscape,” he said. “It is a true existential threat to the hygeminy of the people currently in charge. Allowing the freedom of speech means the possibility of a revolution from below against the forces destroying this country and the West.”

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He noted that since April, when Twitter’s board voted to accept Musk’s exorbitant takeover offer, Musk has been labeled a racist, he has been accused of underpaying for the company, and The Washington Post has called for him not to remove Twitter’s current content moderation practices.

“Of course ‘content moderation’ is another term for ‘censorship’. Who does censorship help? Always and everywhere the powerful,” Carlson said. “Who does it hurt? The weak because words are all they have. Take the ability to say what they think away from them and they have no power at all.”

Tucker Carlson says he does not know Elon Musk. He admitted that he isn’t here to “carry water” for Elon Musk. He is interested in the reaction simply because it is about trying to control the freedom of speech.

He noted that Elon Musk understands the power of words. So does the media. That is why Carlson says left-leaning outlets have abandoned someone he claims they once praised as a hero.

“He was the electric car guy, remember? They don’t even mention his electric cars anymore because he’s doing the one thing you’re not allowed to do, which is giving voice to people.”

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