During an appearance on Parkins & Spiegel on 670 The Score, Baseball Hall of Famer George Brett said he struggles to follow baseball nationally now with the lack of coverage in traditional media sources.
“I don’t really follow anything outside of Kansas City. It all started when, god, USA Today and the local paper, they don’t even put in box scores anymore,” Brett said. “You notice that? I used to love to get up in the morning, and there’s not many guys I follow in baseball on other teams, but now in order for me to do that, I’ve got to go to MLB.com, pull up box scores and I’ve got to start clicking all these frickin’ buttons.
Many newspaper deadlines are now too early to include a baseball box score in the final print edition.
“Just give me a frickin’ newspaper with all the information I need,” continued Brett. “It’s not that frickin’ hard, is it? Jesus Christ, it just drives me crazy. And they wonder why baseball is losing its popularity? I think that might be one of the reasons.”