Thursday, September 19, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Megyn Kelly: Meghan Markle Lied to Oprah 

SiriusXM host Megyn Kelly decried the now-infamous interview between Oprah Winfrey, Meghan Markle, and Prince Harry as disrespectful to the Royal Family.

Kelly shared her thoughts Tuesday, criticizing the couple as extremely ungrateful for the opportunities that they’ve been given. She also took aim at comments from Markle on her “Archetypes” podcast in which she kept referring to Harry as “my husband.”

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“We get it, you bagged the gorilla,’ Kelly said. “Congratulations, you got the big bear, [and] you want us all to know.”

Kelly said Markle obviously lied to Oprah during her one-on-one interview about how the Royals treated her children and the conversations that took place about their skin color.

“There seems to be no limit to the appetite for ripping on the Royals to whom they owe literally all of their fame and most of their fortune,” Kelly said.

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Kelly criticized Markle for her response to Oprah’s question about whether she searched Harry online before she started dating him.

‘I never looked up my husband online,’ Markle told Oprah at the time. ‘I just didn’t feel the need to because everything that I needed to know, he was sharing with me — or everything we thought I needed to know, he was telling me.’

“She was a liar…that’s really what we’re both saying. She lied about it, she lied.” 

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