Dan Orlovsky Clarifies Potential ESPN Departure For Coaching Role


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After the shocking move that saw ESPN NFL analyst Jeff Saturday become the interim head coach of the Indianapolis Colts, Dan Patrick jokingly asked ESPN NFL analyst Dan Orlovsky if he had a potential place on Saturday’s staff. Orlovsky responded with a serious answer that created headlines.

During an appearance on WEEI’s Merloni, Fauria, & Mego, Orlovsky clarified his comments that leaving for a job with the Colts isn’t in the cards in 2022, but left the door open for a move to the coaching ranks in the future.

“Not gonna happen this year,” Orlovsky said. “Joining at a later date is absolutely an option. I’m not trying to blow smoke or anything. I’ve been outspoken about this. I’ve talked with Jeff a lot about football, a lot about coaching, my philosophy on it, and where it stands in my life. That’s a very real thing. I’ve always said I want to coach. I feel like I coach on television, in a way. I feel like I’m coaching those watching the shows and I try to keep my mind into that world. The further you get away from playing — at least in my case — the greater the draw to get pulled back in.”

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He later added when he stepped away from playing he had no desire to become a coach, but now the interest has grown since he’s gotten further away from the game.

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