Friday, September 27, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Dan Bongino: Jack Dorsey Should Have Released Twitter Files Earlier

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is calling on Elon Musk to release all files related to the current and future actions of the platform. Wednesday, Dorsey tweeted at Musk just days after Musk made public some of the communications between the platform and the Biden administration regarding the Hunter Biden laptop story. 

On Thursday, syndicated media personality Dan Bongino reacted to Dorsey’s tweet calling it “the greatest self-own ever” and wondering why Dorsey didn’t release the Hunter Biden files when he had the chance. 

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“The media is going to continue to contribute to the suppression of the [Hunter Biden] story,” said Bongino. “They need to continue the ongoing process of crushing conservatives on Twitter and suppressing negative information about liberals.” 

Investigative journalist Matt Taibbi shared the Twitter Files in a 37-tweet thread. What readers learned was the decision-making process about the Biden laptop story which was reported around the same time as the 2020 election when Hunter’s father Joe was running for U.S. President. 

Bongino said Wikipedia is doing everything it can to make the Twitter files story go away. He called the story the “biggest political story of our time.” 

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“I’ve always warned you about Wikipedia,” said Bongino. “Wikipedia is run by college dropouts living in their mama’s basements.” 

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