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Jimmy Failla, Emily Compagno Discuss Giving Back This Christmas Season

Fox News personalities Jimmy Failla and Emily Compagno shared their secrets for giving back during this holiday season during a segment on Failla’s nationally syndicated radio show Thursday. 

Failla, a former New York City cab driver, said that he plans to take random, short cab trips around New York City and tip drivers $100 each. 

“Every Christmas season, I always do this thing in my head; it’s called the holiday hundo,” Failla stated. “I’ll take a cab two blocks and give the guy a hundred bucks, it’s my way of giving back.” 

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Failla said he wasn’t sure if he would be able to publicly promote the goodwill gesture because he hadn’t cleared it with Fox News management. 

“Part of the beauty of that type of philanthropy and that holiday spirit is that it’s behind the scenes,” Compagno said. “I feel like if you’re going to do that on air or if there is going to be any element of publicity to it, I still like the idea of a bit of mystery.” 

Failla said part of his motivation to publicize acts of kindness would be to motivate other people to do the same thing. 

“There’s nothing like feeling the joy and the blessing of helping someone but also that amplification of helping someone find a way to donate too, that’s amazing,” said Compagno. 

“All my gratitude to anyone who is spreading that Christmas joy and that Christmas spirit of giving this season,” she added. 

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