In October of last year, WEEI’s Greg Hill won the Marconi Award for Major Market Personality of the Year. In the process, he defeated Parkins & Spiegel of 670 The Score. FS1’s Nick Wright believed the Chicago show — hosted by one of his best friends, Danny Parkins — deserved to win the award, and made sure they received some recognition.
During an appearance on Parkins & Spiegel Tuesday, Wright informed the audience that he secured a trophy from the event for his friend.
“You guys were supposed to win that Marconi,” said Wright. “I got my hands on a physical Marconi Award — who cares who’s name is on it, I got it — it’s from this year’s awards, and I sent it to you. Because you guys deserved it. So you guys, at least from a hardware perspective, have a Marconi.”
“We have Dan Patrick’s Marconi,” Danny Parkins admitted.
“You do,” replied Wright. “You have the best national radio show Marconi. He sent it to me, and I sent it to you. Listen, the fact of the matter is, had I gotten to the stage in time to accept the award on his behalf, I would have just given it to you. I didn’t get there in time. Some executive got up there, got it, sent it to Dan, he sent it to me, and I sent it to you. Now, if Dan hears this and gets bothered by it, you’re gonna have to send it back, but I think we’re gonna be fine.”
Parkins then said he could say he was nominated for a Marconi and he had a Marconi, he just didn’t win a Marconi.
“It is 100% true to say that from the 2022 Marconi Awards, that you were nominated, and it is also true to say that you have a Marconi Award for Radio Show of the Year. It’s true,” Wright concluded.