The radio career of Angelo Cataldi is winding down, and the legendary host is spending more time reminiscing lately. As a guest of The Hang Zone on The Ticket in Dallas, Cataldi connected with host Norm Hitzges, who he couldn’t believe was still around.
Hitzges countered by saying he couldn’t believe Cataldi was retiring, before the 94WIP host marveled at his Dallas counterpart’s longevity.
“I am, and I can’t believe you outlasted me, Norm,” Cataldi said. “Yes, I’m done. 33 years is enough. If I’d have killed someone in the first year (of his radio show), I’d be out on parole!”
Aftering finding out Cataldi was no longer working on Wednesdays as he approached his retirement, Hitzges said he had an even better situation in Dallas.
“Angelo, listen, I know some of my buddies at the station are only working two or three days a week. We’re on the air five days a week, but we only work two or three of them,” Hitzges joked.
Hitzges also asked Cataldi what he would be doing in retirement, and the Philadelphia legend gave a macabre response.
“I’m gonna write a book about being with these fans for 33 years. That’s the first thing I’m gonna do, ’cause I’m gonna need money. I won’t be getting paid anymore. And by then, Al (Morganti), my co-host who’s still with us, thinks I’ll be dead. He gives me about a year, and then I’ll keel over. So I’ll try to get the book out, and then I’ll be pushing up daisies.”
The pair then discussed how they would simulcast shows back in the day in both Dallas and Philadelphia together when the Eagles would play the Cowboys, taking callers from both fan bases, and how enjoyable the experience was for the both of them.
However, “you probably couldn’t do that today” Cataldi deduced.
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