Rhea Hughes: I Have to Learn Styles of Joe DeCamara, Jon Ritchie


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Longtime 94WIP morning host Angelo Cataldi retired last week after 33 years in the morning drive chair. His co-host for 25 years of that run, Rhea Hughes, is remaining with the station’s new morning show of Joe Decamara and Jon Ritchie, and she is adjusting to a new set of co-hosts.

While appearing on The Mike Missanelli Podcast, Hughes said the first week has gone well, but she has to learn the minute details of the way the new pair operate.

“I went in and sat with them from 12:00-2:00 PM on Tuesdays, so it was just kind of learning. You know what it is when you work with a partner or partners. You have to learn when they stop speaking. With Angelo, it was about learning when he was going to take a breath. I had about five-to-seven seconds to get my point in and then he was gonna jump right back in. I had to learn their style.

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“Joe’s like Angelo. He’s like Angelo with the notepad. Everything is written down. And Jon’s a little more chill. So I’ve gotta learn that when Joe’s done making a point, it’s almost like — we call it the Ray Didinger pause — where it’s like ‘Well…’, so I don’t ever want to step on them. And learning about them as people. I’ve been seeing them every day for six years, but we didn’t really spend a lot of time together.”

Hughes added that she felt Thursday’s show was the first time she felt she was “back” and that the trio is truly building chemistry with each other.

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