Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Jim Cutler Voiceovers
Barrett Media Member of the Week


Guy Benson: ‘Narrative Protectors’ in Media ‘Undermine The Value of Truth’

A report from the Department of Energy claims — with low confidence — it is likely that the COVID-19 virus originated from the coronavirus lab in Wuhan, China in 2019. That claim had been largely refuted by most media organizations and has also been disputed by other US intelligence agencies. However, Fox News contributor Guy Benson believes it’s just another example of the media ignoring the truth.

During The Big Sunday Show, Benson argued that the evidence largely points to the virus escaping from the Wuhan lab, and that media members ignored that possibility and labeled those who pushed it as “conspiracy theorists”.

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“Over and over again, we hear from the narrative protectors, the establishment in this country — the media and others, the experts — that things are misinformation and conspiracy theories,” Benson said. “Don’t get me wrong, those things exist and can be very dangerous and insidious and pernicious, and can poison the discourse. What can also poison the discourse is when you take things that you disagree with and label them misinformation or conspiracy theories and then when they turn out to be true, people aren’t going to listen to you.”

Benson then claimed that there are conspiracy theories that need to be debunked, but the media’s history — pointing out the lab-leak theory, mask mandates, natural immunity, the Hunter Biden laptop, and critical race theory as examples — will make those who believe said conspiracy theories hesitant to understand they’re believing a lie.

“Some of the people responsible for this name-calling — supposedly in defense of the truth — are undermining the value of truth in this country and I would hope there would be introspection, but I’m not gonna hold my breath,” Benson concluded.

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