SportsCenter anchor Neil Everett will be taking part in two upcoming special edition broadcasts of Portland Trail Blazers basketball.
The team announced Thursday that Everett and Blazer fan favorites Antonio Harvey and Terry Porter will have coverage of the LegendsCast on Root Sports Plus against Boston on March 17 and against the Clippers on March 19.
Several former Trail Blazers players will also be making appearances throughout the night sharing stories from their playing days and opinions on this year’s team.
Everett, a Portland native and Blazers fan, said these two broadcasts will go a long way in continuing to allow fans to connect with alumni.
“The Trail Blazers are and have been so vital to Portland as a whole,” Everett said. “It’s important that connection with former players never be lost. LegendsCast is a big step in that direction. Plus, I get to hang with some of my heroes.”
The traditional broadcast for both games featuring Kevin Calabro, Lamar Hurd, Brooke Olzendam and Cory Jez can be seen on Root Sports.