Fox News Settles Lawsuit With Venezuelan Businessman Over Election Rigging Claims By Lou Dobbs


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Fox News and Venezuelan businessman Majed Khalil have reached a settlement to close a defamation lawsuit after former host Lou Dobbs linked Khalil to accusations of rigging the 2020 presidential election.

“The parties are pleased to jointly inform the court that they have reached a confidential agreement to resolve this matter,” attorneys for Khalil and the network wrote in a filing to U.S. District Judge Louis Stanton. “The parties anticipate filing a joint stipulation of dismissal with prejudice early next week.”

In December 2020, Dobbs tweeted the 2020 presidential election was a “Cyber Pearl Harbor”, and shared a document that labeled Khalil as the “effective COO” of the plot. He also added that Khalil was “a liaison with Hezbollah”.

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The same day, Dobbs interviewed Sidney Powell — a lawyer for then-President Donald Trump — who made the claim that Khalil and acquaintances “designed and developed the Smartmatic and Dominion programs and machines that include a controller module that allows people to log in and manipulate the vote even as it’s happening.”

Fox Business Network ultimately severed ties with Dobbs in February 2021.

Last Semptember, the presiding judge declined to dismiss the case, saying that Khalil’s suit “adequately alleges that Fox may be held liable for the defamatory claims”.

A Fox News spokesperson said “This matter has been resolved amicably by both sides. We have no further comment.” 

The cable news outlet continues to defend itself from a defamation lawsuit brought forth by Dominion Voting Systems. That suit alleges Fox News knowingly peddled falsehoods around the election machine company’s role in the 2020 presidential election. Fox News has continually denied the allegations made by Dominion Voting Systems, and has contended that it is protected by the First Ammedment.

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