OutKick founder Clay Travis criticized the subscription model at The Washington Post during an appearance on Fox News Wednesday. Travis noted that the paper has engaged in biased coverage of former President Donald while misleading its readers with numerous falsities.
“The subscription business demands that they satisfy the farthest and most left-wing of their subscribers,” said Travis. “That’s why they’re not covering Joe Biden and the Biden crime family; that’s why they’re not covering the fact that they had the Hunter Biden laptop since December of 2019.”
On Tuesday, Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to federal accusations of unlawfully possessing and concealing classified documents within his residence in Florida.
“The Washington Post is an embarrassment; they haven’t returned any of their Russia Collusion Pulitzers, have they? It’s just a joke. It’s as if these stories, when they don’t fit the preconceived narrative, cease to exist, which is one of the big problems with our media now.”
Travis asserted that journalism is inundated with people who would instead enforce narratives than report facts.
“That’s what The Washington Post is at the absolute of,” he said.
Travis added that the debacle at the White House involving transgender people flashing their breasts at President Joe Biden was not covered by the mainstream media. He said that the White House rebuked the actions of the individuals, but the condemnation comes as children are exposed to inappropriate things in public schools.