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Jack Armstrong: ‘Mainstream Media Doesn’t Realize They’ve Lost The Room’

The arrest and arraignment of former President Donald Trump last week was the hot-button issue in news radio circles. Armstrong & Getty co-host Jack Armstrong believes there’s an underreported aspect of the story.

While reading a portion of a recent opinion column from lawyer Jonathan Turley, Armstrong argued that the mainstream media has lost the pulse of the American people.

“It’s an indictment of the media. After years of advocacy journalism and biased reporting, the public now tunes out the media,” wrote Turley. “This is a strong indictment troubling allegations of evidence, yet it does not matter because the media long ago lost much of the country with one-sided unrelenting coverage.”

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“That is so absolutely true,” Armstrong argued. “That might be the least appreciated major story going on in America. Because the media, the mainstream media, obviously doesn’t know that. The majority report on it. The majority of the mainstream media doesn’t realize they’ve lost the room. As, as Jonathan Turley writes, they’ve lost the room.”

“Well, when you’ve been lied to repeatedly, by the same person or people, what’s your reaction in real life?” Joe Getty agreed. “A little disdain, dislike, ignoring them. Actively looking for reasons to contradict what they say.”

Armstrong argued that polling numbers reveal that there is less trust in the current Department of Justice than there was when Bill Barr was the attorney general, but you’re unlikely to see that figure reported.

“It’s going the other direction people’s trust. But yes, this is why and of course, you’re not going to hear from The Washington Post or ABC This Week, or whatever, because they did it and they’re still doing it. You’ve lost at least half the country that tunes out whatever you say. So I don’t know. I don’t know what we do with that going forward. I don’t know how we have a conversation or vote or what happens.”

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