In the sixth episode of Tucker on Twitter, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson argued that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been treated poorly and unfairly by the mainstream media as he launches his presidential campaign.
“There’s never been a candidate for president the media hated more than Robert F. Kennedy Jr,” Carlson said to begin the longest episode yet of his Twitter series. “You thought that title belonged to Donald Trump. Of course, it must, but go check the coverage. Trump got a gentle scalp massage by comparison when he announced.”
Carlson then juxtaposed the coverage former President Trump received as he launched his campaign compared to the reaction elicited by RFK Jr.’s announcement.
“When Trump rolled out his presidential campaign in 2015, The New York Times waited until the 17th paragraph of the story to attack him…Eight years later, the Times attacked Bobby Kennedy in the very first sentence of the story. Quote, ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr.,’ the paper declared, ‘announced a presidential campaign on Wednesday built on re-litigating Covid-19 shutdowns and shaking Americans’ faith in science.’ Shaking Americans’ faith in science.
“Imagine if you were an ordinary New York Times subscriber reading that over coffee in your pre-war, rent-controlled duplex on Columbus Avenue. You’d think Bobby Kennedy just declared war on the Enlightenment.”
Carlson then noted the negative coverage from CBS News, NPR, and other media outlets given to RFK Jr.’s presidential campaign.