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Keith Olbermann Accuses Laura Ingraham of Alcoholism After Her Criticism of Biden’s Health

Earlier this week, the White House shared that President Joe Biden uses a CPAP machine to battle sleep apnea after mysterious marks were observed on his face. Fox News hosts were critical of Biden after the revelation, and Keith Olbermann responded Friday.

During his Countdown podcast, Olbermann alleged that Laura Ingraham has her own issues to deal with, and shouldn’t have been able to cast stones at the President.

Laura Ingram suggested it’s ‘A scam. And it’s a way to say no, he’s not mentally impaired. He just needs to get a good night’s sleep’,” Olbermann said. “And I’m guessing, therefore, that her alcoholism — she once had 20 drinks in my presence, in one night, on a date — I guess that wasn’t a real thing either. Then that was just her covering up her mental impairment.”

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He then took umbrage with the encapsulation from The Five, and said several of the hosts on that Fox News program also had issues they wouldn’t like addressed.

“‘The guy is clueless’, said Janine Pirro. She once held up her own press conference at which she announced she was running for senator from New York for a measured 32 seconds because she had lost page 10 of her speech. And she asked everybody in the room if they had seen page 10 of her speech.”

He then joked that The Five cast members — Jesse Watters, Jeanine Pirro, Dana Perrino, and Greg Gutfeld — all smash themselves over the head or drink alcohol to go to sleep at night, rather than use a CPAP machine.

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